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What Do Your 税es Pay For?

税es are one of the biggest budget items for most taxpayers, yet many have no idea what they’re getting for their money.

The average household spends more on taxes than on groceries, clothing, or healthcare. 事实上, 11% of our income, 平均, goes to personal income taxes, which doesn’t include sales tax, property tax, Social Security payments, or 医疗AG捕鱼王在线app下载 payments. So what do we get in return?1

The accompanying chart breaks down the $6.27 trillion in federal spending for 2022 into major categories. One of the biggest categories is Social Security, which consumes almost one-fourth of the budget. Safety net programs, which includes food assistance and unemployment compensation, takes another 11%. Defense and related items take 18% of the budget, and 24% goes to 医疗AG捕鱼王在线app下载 and health programs.2

Are taxes one of your biggest budget items? Take steps to make sure you’re managing your overall tax bill. Please consult a tax professional for specific information regarding your individual situation.

Pieces of the Federal Pie

More than 60% of 2022 federal spending was used for Social Security, 医疗AG捕鱼王在线app下载, 国防, and related programs.

Source: 财政部.政府,2022

1., September 1, 2022
2. 财政部.政府,2022

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by 消费品套件 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG Suite is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. 版权 消费品套件.


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